Current Teaching: Fall 2024, UPenn

My office is DRL 3N8E. For any course-related questions, email me at awanders at

Math 1300: Introduction to Calculus

Math 1300 will be run through our Canvas page.

Past Teaching


Courses taught as a Hans Rademacher Instructor (postdoc):


I was a teaching assistant for the following math classes at UCLA:

In 2019, I assisted at the Curtis Center.


At Caltech, I was a teaching assistant for Ma6a: Discrete Math.


Olga Radko Math Circle

Most Sundays during my time at UCLA, I taught high school students at the Olga Radko Math Circle, which I also attended in middle and high school. Here are some of the lessons I wrote:

Email me at awanders at for solutions.

Canada/USA Mathcamp

I have taught for several summers at Canada/USA Mathcamp, which I also attended in high school. Here are problems and notes for some of the classes I taught:

Email me at awanders at for solutions.