2. Logic in Lean - Part 2

The goal today is to wrap up the remaining bits of logic and move on to doing some “actual math”. Remember to always save your work. You might find the Glossary of tactics page and the Pretty symbols page useful.

Before we move on to new stuff, let’s understand what we did yesterday.

2.1. Behind the scenes

A note on brackets: It is not uncommon to compose half a dozen functions in Lean. The brackets get really messy and unwieldy. As such, Lean will often drop the brackets by following the following conventions.

  • The function P Q R S stands for P (Q (R S)).

  • The expression a + b + c + d stands for ((a + b) + c) + d.

An easy way to remember this is that, arrows are bracketed on the right and binary operators on the left.

2.1.1. Proof irrelevance

It might feel a bit weird to say that a proposition has proofs as its inhabitants. Proofs can get huge and it seems unnecessary to have to remember not just the statement but also its proof. This is something we don’t normally do in math. To hide this complication, in type theory there is an axiom, called proof irrelevance, which says that if P : Prop and hp1 hp2 : P then hp1 = hp2. Taking our analogy with sets further, you can think of a proposition as a set which is either empty or contains a single element (false or true). In fact, in some forms of type theory (e.g. homotopy type theory) this is taken as the definition of propositions. This is of course not true for general types. For example, 0 : 1 : .

2.1.2. Proofs as functions

Every time you successfully construct a proof of a theorem say

theorem tautology (P : Prop) : P → P :=
  rintro hp,
  refine hp,

Lean constructs a proof term tautology : P : Prop, P P (you can see this by typing #check tautology).

In type theory, the for all quantifier, , is a generalized function, called a dependent function. For all practical purposes, we can think of tautology as having the type (P : Prop) (P P). Note that this is not a function in the classical sense of the word because the codomain (P P) depends on the input variable P. If Q : Prop, then tautology(Q) is a term of type Q Q.

Consider a theorem with multiple hypothesis, say

theorem hello_world (hp : P) (hq : Q) (hr : R) : S

Once we provide a proof of it, Lean will create a proof term hello_world : (hp:P) (hq:Q) (hr:R) S. So that if we have terms hp' : P, hq' : Q, hr' : R then hello_world hp' hq' hr' (note the convenient lack of brackets) will be a term of type S.

Once constructed, any term can be used in a later proof. For example,

example (P Q : Prop) : (P → Q) → (P → Q) :=
  refine tautology (P → Q),

This is how Lean simulates mathematics. Every time you prove a theorem using tactics a proof term gets created. Because of proof irrelevance, Lean forgets the exact content of the proof and only remembers its type. All the proof terms can then be used in later proofs. All of this falls under the giant umbrella of the Curry–Howard correspondence.

2.1.3. Optional Sidenote on Lambda

Speaking of generalized functions, and terms, we can define the term tautology directly, without using rintro:

theorem tautology (P : Prop) : P → P :=
  refine λ hp, hp,

The λ, typed \lambda, plays basically the role of rintro. In general, the term λ x, y will define a (generalized) function that on input x, gives output y. For instance, once we can talk about addition, λ x, x + 2 will be the function that adds 2 to a given natural number. If you want to, you can play around with using λ and rintro interchangeably.

2.2. The Law of the Excluded Middle

You can prove exactly one of the following using just refine, rintro, and have. Can you find which one?

import tactic


You can prove exactly one of the following three using just
``refine``, ``rintro``, and ``have``.

Can you find which one?


theorem not_not_self_imp_self (P : Prop) : ¬ ¬ P  P:=

theorem contrapositive_converse (P Q : Prop) : (¬Q  ¬P)  (P  Q) :=

example (P : Prop) : ¬ P  ¬ ¬ ¬ P :=

This is because it is not true that ¬ ¬ P = P by definition, after all, ¬ ¬ P is (P false) false which is drastically different from P. There is an extra axiom called the law of excluded middle which says that either P is inhabited or ¬ P is inhabited (and there is no middle option) and so P ¬ ¬ P. Lean gives it to us in the form of em P : P ¬ P, although it’s not always included. Because some mathematicians would prefer to avoid using this in their proofs, you have to type the lines noncomputable theory and open_locale classical near the top of the file, to show that you’re ok with using all of classical logic!



  If ``P : Prop``, then ``em P : P ∨ ¬ P`` lets you use the law of the excluded middle on ``P``.

Delete the ``sorry,`` below and replace them with a legitimate proof.


theorem not_not_self_imp_self (P : Prop) : ¬ ¬ P  P:=

theorem contrapositive_converse (P Q : Prop) : (¬Q  ¬P)  (P  Q) :=

example (P : Prop) : ¬ P  ¬ ¬ ¬ P :=

theorem principle_of_explosion (P Q : Prop) : P  (¬ P  Q) :=

There are more specialized tactics that combine false.elim and em with other tactics to streamline the process of dealing with negations. You can read about them at Glossary of tactics, and if you want, you can try to shorten some of your above proofs with them.

2.3. Quantifiers

As mentioned it the introduction, the for all quantifier, , is a generalization of a function. As such the tactics for dealing with are the same as those for . (Type it as \forall.)


If hp is a term of type x : X, P x and y is a term of type X then have hpy := hp(y) creates a hypothesis hpy : P y.


If the target of the current goal is x : X, P x, then rintro x, creates a hypothesis x : X and changes the target to P x.

The there exists quantifier, , in type theory, uses similar tools to If you want to prove a statement x : X, P x then you need to provide a witness. If you have a term hp : x : X, P x then from this you can extract a witness. (Type it as \exists.)


If hp is a term of type x : X, P x, then cases hp with x key, breaks it into x : X and key : P x.


If the target of the current goal is x : X, P x and y is a term of type X, then use y, changes the target to P y and tries to close the goal.

Finally, we know enough Lean to start doing some fun stuff.

2.3.1. Barber paradox

Let’s disprove the “barber paradox” due to Bertrand Russell. The claim is that in a certain town there is a (male) barber that shaves all the men who do not shave themselves. (Why is this a paradox?) Prove that this is a contradiction. Here are some hints if you get stuck.


Delete the ``sorry,`` below and replace them with a legitimate proof.


-- men is type.
-- x : men means x is a man in the town
-- shaves x y is inhabited if x shaves y

variables (men : Type) (barber : men)
variable  (shaves : men  men  Prop)

example : ¬ ( x : men, shaves barber x  ¬ shaves x x) :=

2.3.2. Mathcampers singing paradox

Assume that the main lounge is non-empty. At a fixed moment in time, there is someone in the lounge such that, if they are singing, then everyone in the lounge is singing. (See hints).


Delete the ``sorry,`` below and replace them with a legitimate proof.


-- camper is a type.
-- If x : camper then x is a camper in the main lounge.
-- singing(x) is inhabited if x is singing

theorem math_campers_singing_paradox
  (camper : Type)
  (singing : camper  Prop)
  (alice : camper) -- making sure that there is at least one camper in the lounge
  :  x : camper, (singing x  ( y : camper, singing y)) :=

2.3.3. Relationship conundrum

A relation r on a type X is a map r : X X Prop. We say that x is related to y if r x y is inhabited.

  • r is reflexive if x : X, x is related to itself.

  • r is symmetric if x y : X, x is related to y implies y is related to x.

  • r is transitive if x y z : X, x is related to y and y is related to x implies z is related to z.

  • r is connected if for all x : X there is a y : Y such that x is related to y.

Show that if a relation is symmetric, transitive, and connected, then it is also reflexive.

import tactic

variable X : Type

theorem reflexive_of_symmetric_transitive_and_connected
  (r : X  X  Prop)
  (h_symm :  x y : X, r x y  r y x)
  (h_trans :  x y z : X, r x y  r y z  r x z)
  (h_connected :  x,  y, r x y)
: ( x : X, r x x) :=

2.4. Equality

So far we have not seen how to deal with propositions of the form P = Q, for example, 1 + 2 + ... + n = n(n + 1)/2. Proving these propositions by hand requires messing around with the axioms of type theory. Using equalities on the other hand is very easy. The rewrite tactic (usually shortened to rw) let’s you replace the left hand side of an equality with the right hand side.


If f is a term of type P = Q (or P Q), then

rw f, searches for P in the target and replaces it with Q.

rw ←f, searches for Q in the target and replaces it with P.

Additionally, if hr : R is a hypothesis, then

rw f at hr, searches for P in the expression R and replaces it with Q.

rw ←f at hr, searches for Q in the expression R and replaces it with P.

Mathematically, this is saying “because P = Q, we can replace P with Q (or the other way around)”.

To get the left arrow, type \l. If you want to rewrite a bunch of things in a row, you can type rw [h1, h2, h3],.

import tactic data.nat.basic
open nat



    If ``f`` is a term of type ``P = Q`` (or ``P ↔ Q``), then
    ``rw f`` replaces ``P`` with ``Q`` in the target.
    Other variants:
      ``rw f at hp``, ``rw ←f``, ``rw ←f at hr``.

  Delete the ``sorry,`` below and replace them with a legitimate proof.


theorem add_self_self_eq_double
  (x : )
: x + x = 2 * x :=
  rw two_mul,

For the following problem, use
  mul_comm a b : a * b = b * a

example (a b c d : )
  (hyp : c = d * a + b)
  (hyp' : b = a * d)
: c = 2 * (a * d) :=

For the following problem, use
  nat.sub_self (x : ℕ) : x - x = 0

example (a b c d : )
  (hyp : c = b * a - d)
  (hyp' : d = a * b)
: c = 0 :=

2.4.1. Surjective functions

Recall that a function f : X Y is surjective if for every y : Y there exists a term x : X such that f(x) = y. In type theory, for every function f we can define a corresponding proposition surjective (f) := y, x, f x = y and a function being surjective is equivalent to saying that the proposition surjective(f) is inhabited.

import tactic
open function



  If it gets hard to keep track of the definition of ``surjective``,
  you can use ``rw surjective,`` or ``rw surjective at h,``
  to get rid of it. (This rewrites using the definition of surjective).
  Typing ``rw surjective at *,`` will unfold it
  everywhere at once.

Delete the ``sorry,`` below and replace them with a legitimate proof.


variables X Y Z : Type
variables (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z)

surjective (f : X → Y) := ∀ y, ∃ x, f x = y

You may also want to try ``function.comp_app``

  (hf : surjective f)
  (hg : surjective g)
  : surjective (g  f) :=

  (hgf : surjective (g  f))
  : surjective g :=