5. Bits & Pieces¶
5.1. Namespaces¶
Lean provides us with the ability to group definitions into nested, hierarchical namespaces:
namespace mcsp
def tau := "TAU on T-F from 2-4"
#eval tau
end mcsp
def tau := "no TAU on S"
#eval tau
#eval mcsp.tau
open mcsp
#eval tau -- error
#eval mcsp.tau
When we declare that we are working in the namespace mcsp
, every identifier we declare has a full name with prefix “mcsp
Within the namespace, we can refer to identifiers by their shorter names, but once we end the namespace, we have to use the longer names.
The open
command brings the shorter names into the current context. Often, when we import a theory file, we will want to open one or more of the namespaces it contains, to have access to the short identifiers.
Further if x
is a term of type nat
and f
is a term defined in namespace nat
then nat.f x
can be shortened to x.f
Note that ℕ
is just another notation for nat
5.2. Coercions¶
In type theory every term has a type and two terms of different types cannot be equal to each other.
This makes it impossible to write statements like |m|^2 = m^2
where m : ℤ
and |m| : ℕ
is the absolute value of m
But in math, we do want this statement to be true!
The round about way to deal with this is through coercions.
Lean will coerce the above equality to live entirely in integers as, ↑|m|^2 = m^2
This is done using an injective function ℕ → ℤ
Sometimes it is possible (and necessary) to get rid of the coercions.
For example, say we start out with ↑|m|^2 = m^2
and eventually reduce it to ↑|m|^2 = ↑1
The tactic for getting rid of coercions is norm_cast
which will reduce the above expression to |m|^2 = 1
import tactic data.nat.basic data.int.basic
noncomputable theory
open_locale classical
theorem sqrt2_irrational_nat :
¬ ∃ (m n : ℕ),
2 * m^2 = n^2 ∧
m ≠ 0
-- Assume the above theorem
lemma num_2 : (2 : ℚ).num = 2 :=
lemma denom_2 : (2 : ℚ).denom = 1 :=
q.denom = denominator of q (valued in ℕ)
q.num = numerator of q (valued in ℤ)
for integer m,
m.nat_abs = absolute value of m (valued in ℕ)
int.nat_abs_mul_self' : ∀ (a : ℤ), ↑(a.nat_abs) * ↑(a.nat_abs) = a * a
int.coe_nat_inj : ∀ {m n : ℕ}, ↑m = ↑n → m = n
rat.mul_self_denom : ∀ (q : ℚ), (q * q).denom = q.denom * q.denom
rat.mul_self_num : ∀ (q : ℚ), (q * q).num = q.num * q.num
rat.denom_ne_zero : ∀ (q : ℚ), q.denom ≠ 0
lemmas about nat-to-int coercion, which norm_cast knows:
nat.cast_one : ↑(1 : ℕ) = (1 : ℤ)
nat.cast_two : ↑(2 : ℕ) = (2 : ℤ)
nat.cast_mul (m n : ℕ) : ↑(m * n) = ↑m * ↑n
lemma which ring_nf knows:
pow_two (x) : x^2 = x * x
theorem sqrt2_irrational :
¬ (∃ q : ℚ, 2 = q * q)
rintro ⟨q, h⟩,
have clear_denom := rat.eq_iff_mul_eq_mul.mp h,
5.3. Type classes¶
Type classes are used to construct complex mathematical structures. Any family of types can be marked as a type class. We can then declare particular elements of a type class to be instances. You can think of a type class as “template” for constructing particular instances.
Consider the example of groups. A group is defined a type class with the following attributes.
structure group : Type u → Type u
group.mul : Π {α : Type u} [c : group α], α → α → α
group.mul_assoc : ∀ {α : Type u} [c : group α] (a b c_1 : α), a * b * c_1 = a * (b * c_1)
group.one : Π {α : Type u} [c : group α], α
group.one_mul : ∀ {α : Type u} [c : group α] (a : α), 1 * a = a
group.mul_one : ∀ {α : Type u} [c : group α] (a : α), a * 1 = a
group.inv : Π {α : Type u} [c : group α], α → α
group.mul_left_inv : ∀ {α : Type u} [c : group α] (a : α), a⁻¹ * a = 1
If you look at the source code you’ll see that the class group
is built gradually by extending multiple classes.
class has_one (α : Type u) := (one : α)
-- a group has an identity element
class has_mul (α : Type u) := (mul : α → α → α)
-- a group has multiplication
class has_inv (α : Type u) := (inv : α → α)
-- a group has an inverse function
class semigroup (G : Type u) extends has_mul G :=
(mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : G, a * b * c = a * (b * c))
-- the multiplication is associative
class monoid (M : Type u) extends semigroup M, has_one M :=
(one_mul : ∀ a : M, 1 * a = a) (mul_one : ∀ a : M, a * 1 = a)
-- multiplication by one is trivial
class group (α : Type u) extends monoid α, has_inv α :=
(mul_left_inv : ∀ a : α, a⁻¹ * a = 1)
-- multiplication is associative
To define an arbitrary group G
we first create it as a type G : Type
and then make it an instance of group
[group G]
You can also prove that existing types are instances of group
using the instance
Type classes allow us to prove theorems in vast generalities.
For example, any theorem about groups can immediately be applied to integers once we show that integers are an instance of group
If you look at data.int.basic
you’ll see that first fifty lines of code prove that ℤ
is an instance of several type classes.
import group_theory.order_of_element
import tactic
#print classes
#print instances inhabited
class cyclic_group (G : Type*) extends group G :=
(has_generator: ∃ g : G, ∀ x : G, ∃ n : ℤ, x = g^n)
zpow_add : ∀ {G : Type u_1} [group G] (a : G) (m n : ℤ), a ^ (m + n) = a ^ m * a ^ n
add_comm : ∀ {G : Type u_1} [add_comm_semigroup G] (a b : G), a + b = b + a
lemma mul_comm_of_cyclic
{G : Type*}
[hc: cyclic_group G]
(g : G)
: ∀ a b : G, a * b = b * a :=
have has_generator := hc.has_generator,
5.4. Recursion and Induction¶
Lots of things in Lean are defined using recursion and proved using induction. While this extends beyond just the natural numbers, let’s try some familiar examples using the natural numbers and the familiar principle of induction.
First let’s see how to make a recursive definition. I’ll define afunction called sum_first : ℕ → ℕ
so that sum_first n
is the sum of the first n
natural numbers.
import data.nat.basic
import tactic
def sum_first :
ℕ → ℕ -- the type of the function you want to define recursively
| 0 := 0 -- the definition at 0
| (n + 1) := sum_first n + (n + 1) -- the definition at (n + 1), which can use the definition at n
Now let’s prove the famous closed formula for sum_first n
, using induction.
To do this, we’ll want the following two tactics:
If One has target The other has target |
Now let’s try the proof. Remember that rw
can be useful for unfolding definitions.
import data.nat.basic
import tactic
If ``n : ℕ`` is a natural number variable, ``P : ℕ → Prop`` is a property of natural numbers,
and you want to prove ``P n`` using induction, then ``induction n using k ih,`` will create two goals.
One is the base case, the other is the induction step.
``refl`` proves things that are literally true by definition.
Often this will handle your base case.
nat.succ_eq_add_one : ∀ (n : ℕ), n.succ = n + 1
def sum_first :
ℕ → ℕ -- the type of the function you want to define recursively
| 0 := 0 -- the definition at 0
| (n + 1) := sum_first n + (n + 1) -- the definition at (n + 1), which can use the definition at n
theorem sum_first_formula : ∀ (n : ℕ), 2 * sum_first n = (n + 1) * n :=
If you want more practice proving things about natural numbers, including plenty of induction, try the Natural Number Game.