Glossary of Tactics and Lemmas

Here’s a summary of all the tactics and some of the lemmas we will introduce in this class, as well as some other common ones you may encounter.

Implications in Lean


If P is the target of the current goal and hp is a term of type P, then refine hp, will close the goal.

Mathematically, this saying “this is what we were required to prove”.

If you can’t fully close a goal, but want to work somewhat from the end, you can use _ to fill in the missing pieces. For instance, if the target of the current goal is Q and f is a term of type P Q, then refine f _, changes the target to P.

If you can fully close a goal, you can also type exact hp,, which does pretty much the same thing.


If the target of the current goal is a function P Q, then rintro hp, will produce a hypothesis hp : P and change the target to Q.

Mathematically, this is saying that in order to define a function from P to Q, we first need to choose (introduce) an arbitrary element of P.

If you want to use this repeatedly, you can type rintro h1 h2 instead of rintro h1, and then rintro h2,. If you want to use this to introduce a variable of a more complicated type that you would then apply cases to, you can try something like rintro ⟨x1, x2, x3⟩, where ⟨⟩ are typed with \langle` and ``\rangle.


have is used to create intermediate variables.

If f is a term of type P Q and hp is a term of type P, then have hq := f(hp), creates the hypothesis hq : Q .

You can also create subgoals with have hp : P, which will create a separate goal to prove P. Once you have closed this goal, you’ll have the hypothesis hp : P at your disposal.


set is used to create intermediate variables or abbreviations. It’s pretty similar to have, with one important difference. If you type have x : X := y,, Lean remembers that x : X, but does not remember that x = y. Meanwhile, set remembers, so if you type set x : X := y with hx, you also get hx : x = y, which you can use to rewrite.


apply is used for backward reasoning.

If the target of the current goal is Q and f is a term of type P Q, then apply f, changes target to P.

Mathematically, this is equivalent to saying “because P implies Q, to prove Q it suffices to prove P”. This is similar to using refine _,.

And / Or


cases is a general tactic that breaks a complicated term into simpler ones.

If hpq is a term of type P Q, then cases hpq with hp hq, breaks it into hp : P and hp : Q.

If hpq is a term of type P × Q, then cases hpq with hp hq, breaks it into hp : P and hp : Q.

If fg is a term of type P Q, then cases fg with f g, breaks it into f : P Q and g : Q P.

If hpq is a term of type P Q, then cases hpq with hp hq, creates two goals and adds the hypotheses hp : P and hq : Q to one each.


split is a general tactic that breaks a complicated goal into simpler ones.

If the target of the current goal is P Q, then split, breaks up the goal into two goals with targets P and Q.

If the target of the current goal is P × Q, then split, breaks up the goal into two goals with targets P and Q.

If the target of the current goal is P Q, then split, breaks up the goal into two goals with targets P Q and Q P.

You can also accomplish this with refine ⟨_, _⟩.


If the target of the current goal is P Q, then left, changes the target to P.


If the target of the current goal is P Q, then right, changes the target to Q.


rcases is a more general form of cases. Needs the symbols ⟨⟩, which are typed with \langle and \rangle.

For an example, say you have h : (m n : ℕ), 2 * m ^ 2 = n ^ 2 0 < m. Then you can type rcases h with ⟨m, n, hmn, hme0⟩, to break h into its 4 component parts.

Negations and Proof by Contradiction


Not a tactic, but a lemma.

If P : Prop, then false.elim : false P lets you prove P from a contradiction.


Changes the target of the current goal to false.

The name derives from “ex falso, quodlibet” which translates to “from contradiction, anything”. You should use this tactic when there are contradictory hypotheses present.


Not a tactic, but a lemma.

If P : Prop, then em P : P ¬ P lets you use the law of the excluded middle on P.


If P : Prop, then by_cases hp : P, creates two goals, the first with a hypothesis hp: P and second with a hypothesis hp: ¬ P.

This lets you use the law of the excluded middle, combining em with cases.


If the target of the current goal is Q, then by_contradiction, changes the target to false and adds hnq : ¬ Q as a hypothesis.

Mathematically, this is proof by contradiction. This is essentially a combination of rintro with false.elim.


push_neg, simplifies negations in the target.

For example, if the target of the current goal is ¬ ¬ P, then push_neg, simplifies it to P.

You can also push negations across a hypothesis hp : P using push_neg at hp,.


If the target of the current goal is P Q, then contrapose!, changes the target to ¬ Q ¬ P.

If the target of the current goal is Q and one of the hypotheses is hp : P, then contrapose! hp, changes the target to ¬ P and changes the hypothesis to hp : ¬ Q.

Mathematically, this is replacing the target by its contrapositive.



If hp is a term of type x : X, P x and y is a term of type y then have hpy := hp(y) creates a hypothesis hpy : P y.


If the target of the current goal is x : X, P x, then rintro x, creates a hypothesis x : X and changes the target to P x.


If hp is a term of type x : X, P x, then cases hp with x key, breaks it into x : X and key : P x.

See also rcases to avoid using cases repeatedly.


If the target of the current goal is x : X, P x and y is a term of type X, then use y, changes the target to P y and tries to close the goal.

You can also use refine ⟨_, _⟩, and then you get two goals, one with target X, and the other is the fact P y, where y is the witness you entered for X. If you already have the witness y, you may type refine ⟨y, _⟩,.

Proving “trivial” statements


refl, proves things that are literally true by definition.


norm_num is Lean’s calculator. If the target has a proof that involves only numbers and arithmetic operations, then norm_num will close this goal.

If hp : P is an assumption then norm_num at hp, tries to use simplify hp using basic arithmetic operations.


ring_nf, is Lean’s symbolic manipulator. If the target has a proof that involves only algebraic operations, then ring_nf, will close the goal.

If hp : P is an assumption then ring_nf at hp, tries to use simplify hp using basic algebraic operations.


linarith, is Lean’s inequality solver.


simp, is a very complex tactic that tries to use theorems from the mathlib library to close the goal. You should only ever use simp, to close a goal because its behavior changes as more theorems get added to the library. If you really want to use simp, but it doesn’t close the goal, try squeeze_simp,, and click the instructions given in the goal window.



If f is a term of type P = Q (or P Q), then

rw f, searches for P in the target and replaces it with Q.

rw ←f, searches for Q in the target and replaces it with P.

If additionally, hr : R is a hypothesis, then

rw f at hr, searches for P in the expression R and replaces it with Q.

rw ←f at hr, searches for Q in the expression R and replaces it with P.

Mathematically, this is saying because P = Q, we can replace P with Q (or the other way around).

You can also use this to unfold definitions, for instance if f : X Y, then rw surjective, will change the goal surjective f to (b : Y), (a : X), f a = b, so you can see what you’re trying to prove. For this purpose, you could also use the tactic unfold, as in unfold surjective,.



If n : is a natural number variable, P : Prop is a property of natural numbers, and you want to prove P n using induction, then induction n using k ih, will create two goals.

One has target P 0, this is the base case.

The other has target P (k.succ), where k.succ = k + 1. (You can rewrite away the .succ with nat.succ_eq_add_one.) You’re also provided an induction hypothesis, ih : P k.


refl, proves things that are literally true by definition. Often this will handle your base case.